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Open : 09:00~18:00
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VERDE VDI provides a desktop infrastructure environment suitable for a corporate environment that is easy to install and manage. All-in-one desktop virtualization software is inexpensive to build and provides differentiated performance and technology compared to competitors.
Storage optimization
  • Designed to use only minimum IOPS of storage, it provides fast booting and login speed of virtual PCs.
Gold master image
  • Virtualized PC application deployment management리
  • Zero malware and virus infections.
  • Reduce deployment time and provide efficient operation management.
Ability to expand
  • Up to 10,000 servers can be configured with a single cluster.
  • Single cluster supports up to 1,000,000 VM sessions
Low Cost
  • Reduce the cost of purchasing hardware, virtualization licenses, and server licenses.
  • Reduce operating costs.


VERDE VDI is a product that uses KVM of Linux OS that is secure. Even in malware, virus attacks, data leakage, and internal networks, unauthorized access blocking is a key security factor for VERDE VDI.

User virtualization PC OS protects users' operating systems and data with various security policies depending on the distribution mode.

VERDE Gold Image distribution method.

Other solution image delivery methods (Inefficient)
VERDE Gold image provision method (Effective)

Reduce the cost of building/operating a VDI.

Breakthrough cost savings in building and operating VDI
Reduced H/W volume

The effect of reducing the number of storage and servers in a way shared by multiple users with a single Gold Image.

No need for server license

No OS and DBMS licenses for installing the VDI management server.

No need for additional extension licenses
  • Using Linux Hypervisor
  • Session, connection broker, etc. No additional expenses.
  • No additional license fee for each virtualization module.
Reduce operating costs

Save fast user OS distribution and operation management time through Gold Image.

VERDE VDI CLOUD provides multi-tenant functionality.

Support for central or distributed management functions of the VDI user group (Department/Team).
  • As the number of VDI users increases, the system expands and it is easy to manage by group by region.
  • High performance even in LAN and wide-area(WAN) environments
  • Remote branch offices / data centers / MSP organizations can scale from one to thousands of servers horizontally
  • Tenants are assigned to specific servers or groups of servers within the VERDE cluster (Org B & C)
  • Dedicated resources available per tenant
    - Maximum number of users
    - vRAM, #vCPUs, user image size
  • provides the ability to manage your applications and data yourself, depending on your deployment mode

Storage Optimizer

Storage Optimizer technology
Local Caching of Gold Image

Technology to cache gold images on local disks on a VDI server

Read Cache I/O

Technology to Chache all gold images in storage to the local disk of the VDD server and then load them into the system's memory for faster access. -Dynamic (normal/long-life)

Write Cache I/O

A technology that stores delta disks generated in each session on a local disk of a VDI server and deletes "copy on write" delta files at the end of a user session. - When deployed as Dynamic Normal D Dynamic Long-life, save the changed details of delta OS file.

Memory Caching

Properly cache both "Read Cache I/O" and "Write Cache I/O" in memory. Zero Read IPS for gold images through proper memory sizing.

Information Stored per Disk
Local Disk
  • A copy of Gold Master lmage
  • “Copy on write” delta files (Dynamic normal Only)
Shared Storage
  • Originals of Gold Master Image
  • Delta.img (Dynamic Long0life Only)
  • User Profiles
  • User Data
  • Cluster relate
Reduce storage and operating costs dramatically by applying
storage optimization technology to reduce actual IPS.